الصف الثامن

story starters للفصل الاول .. -التعليم الاماراتي

السلام عليكم …
امتحان اللغه النكليزيه ممكن يكون story او مقاله او … او … او …. المهم …
جبت لكم .. story starters مشوقققه … وانشاء الله تفيدكم…

i konw it was going to be an unusual damy room come into my badroom anat said

it’s lost ! what could i do now that

she was a funy old laddy , but i knew she had come to hell me …

the waves crashed across the sand and i knew

there is nothing better than ….

they were in te grocery store , in the freezer sectiom , when it happened …..

this was it the momenti had waited for tow weeks . the moment when ….

" wheredid everyone’go? i shofed , but there was no anser .

at a chinese restrant , i opened a fortune cookie and read the follwing message :"you should be careful today" . i got scared when i read it .

it was a beatful sunny day on a farm in the narthen hills the coountry of italy ….

للامانه : موب منقول … كتبته لكم …. ( المسعطتنا ايه وحطيته لكم علشان تستفيدوا )
اتمنى انه نال اعجابكم ….

مع تحياتي :sacra

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده