الصف الخامس الابتدائي

Vocabulary لصف الخامس -تعليم الامارات

أتمنى يعيبكم

– Vocabulary

1- We have 5 ————— in every foot.

a) fingers b) toe c) hands d) toes.

2- We have 10 —————- in our hands.

a) eyes b) toes c) fingers d) ears.

3- A hair which isn’t straight is ——————-.

a) curly b) twist c) blond d) black.

4- Go —————- and turn left.

a) strong b) straight c) there d) next.

5- The word (happy)= ————————.

a) angry b) excited c) strong d) scared.

6- I was ————– when I saw a lion.

a) happy b) excited c) scared d) straight.

7- I was —————– when I didn’t go to Dubai.

a) happy b) sad c) scared d) angry.

8- We go to London by ——————-.

a) car b) plane c) bus d) boat.

9- My mother gets angry when I —————— the milk.

a) eat b) drop c) wash d) drink.

10) The animal which has a long nose is ——————.

a) a giraffe b) a bee c) an elephant d) a deer.

11) My mother gets angry when I ———– the glass.

a) do b) carry c) break d) touch.

12) The bus will ————– at 6 o’clock.

a) be b) leave c) drive d) drop.

13) We can see all animals at the ——————-.

a) house b) hospital c) school d) zoo.

14) The cat always ————— the mouse.

a) leave b) drop c) break d) chase.

15) My uncle’s son is my ———————-.

a) brother b) nephew c) father d) cousin

16) The plane will arrive at Abu Dhabi —————- at 4o’clock.

a) hall b) airport c) city d) bridge.


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