الصف الرابع الابتدائي

( 2 ) Vocabulary Wordlist Unit للصف الرابع

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أقدم لكم أحباب الله كلمات الوحدة الثانية ،

Vocabulary Wordlist

( 2 ) Unit

Family Activities




He does his homework

They go shopping

They go tor walks

She eats breakfast

He plays games

He takes the bus

They go to the park

They go to the movies

I always pray

I usually visit my grandfather

I sometimes eat ice cream

I never play with scissors

? How about play soccer

Let ’ s go to the beach

play with my friends

A nurse helps sick people

A barber Cuts hair

A coach teaches sports

A doctor helps sick people

A mail carrier brings the mail

A dentist fixes teeth

A firefighter fights fires

A pilot flies planes

A secretary types letters

A teacher teaches pupils

A waiter serves food

This is my family





Brother and sister




بالتوفيق والنجاح ان شاء الله

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الرابع الابتدائي

( Vocabulary Wordlist Unit ( 3 للصف الرابع

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أقدم لكم أحباب الله كلمات الوحدة الثالثة

Vocabulary Wordlist

( Unit ( 3

In the City *** town = small city



department store



movie theater

skating rink




In the Country
























there is

there are

clean my room

get up

go to the supermarket

cut the grass

do my homework

feed the birds

paint the fence

take the bus

water the plants

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف السابع

Wordlist Theme 5 Gr 7 كلمات الوحدة الخامسة و المعاني , الصف السابع

آلسَلآم عليكُم وآلرحمَه ,

Wordlist Theme 5 Gr 7 كلمات الوحدة الخامسة و المعاني , الصف السابع

فآلمُرفقآت , موفقين ..

Accomplishments (n): the act of completing something successfully. انجاز
Advisor (n): a person who gives advice to a company, government, etc. مستشار
Architect (n): a person whose job is to design buildings. مهندس معماري
Architecture (n): the study of how buildings are planned and constructed. الهندسة المعمارية
Artist (n): somebody who produces art, especially paintings or drawings. فنان
biographer (n): a person who writes a story of somebody else’s life. كاتب السيرة
biography (n): the story of a person’s life written by somebody else. سيرة
business (n): buying and selling as a way of earning money ; commerce. عمل تجاري
creature (n): a living thing such as an animal, a bird, a fish or an insect, but not a plant. مخلوق
depression (n): a feeling of unhappiness and hopelessness that lasts for long time. اكتاب
die (v): to stop living. يموت
difference (n): the way that people or things are not the same. اختلاف
event (n): something that happens, especially something important or unusual. حدث- واقعة
happiness (n): feeling of pleasure. سعادة
ill (adj): not in good health, not well. مريض
invent (v): to think of or make something for the first time. يخترع – يبتكر
journalist (n): a person whose job is to collect, write or publish news. صحفي
landscape (n) an area of country (when you are thinking about what it looks like). منظر طبيعي
literature (n): writing that considered to be a work of art (novels, plays, poetry …) الادب (شعر, قصص …)
musician (n): a person whose job is to play a musical instruments. عازف موسيقى
novel (n): a book that tells a story about people and events that are not real. رواية
novelist (n) a person who writes novels. روائي
orphan (n): a child whose parents are dead. يتيم
painter (n): a person who paints pictures. رسام
painting (n): a picture that somebody has painted. صورة زيتية
play (v) to do something to enjoy yourself. يلعب, يلهو
play (n): a story which is written to be performed by actors in the theatre. مسرحية

playwright(n): a person who writes plays. مؤلف مسرحي
poem (n): a piece of writing, often arranged in short lines which rhyme. قصيدة
poet (n): a person who writes poems. شاعر
pretend (v): to appear to do or be something in order to trick or deceive somebody. يتظاهر, يدعي
reject (v): to refuse to accept somebody or something. يرفض, ينبذ
sculptor (n): a person who makes figures or objects from wood, stone, ..etc. نحات
sculpture (n): the art of making figures or objects wood, stone, clay … etc. فن النحت
sigh (v): to let out a long deep breath that shows you are tired, sad, relieved. يتنهد, يتاوه
sigh (n): the act or sound of sighing. تنهُد,
successful (adj): having achieved what was wanted, having become popular. ناخح, موفق
undergrowth (n): bushes and plants that grow around and under trees. ما ينبت تحت الاشجار و حولها
usually (adv): in the way that is usual: most often.
من المالوف, كثيرا ما, عادة
wizard (n): a man who is believed to have magic powers. ساحر

Balat Al shuhada
Abazer Al Sheikh

الملفات المرفقة

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده