Grade 6 unit 9 Reading+ Writing اختبار قراءة وكتابة للصف السادس الوحدة التاسعة
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Grade 6 unit 9 Reading+ Writing اختبار قراءة وكتابة للصف السادس الوحدة التاسعة
فآلمُرفقآت , وفقكُم آلله ,,
للتحميل كامل و مرتب في المرفقات
Unit : 1 surviving homework
Surviving:to continue to live or exist, in or after a difficult or dangerous situation .
يبقى على قيد الحياة
Rather :adv quite; to some extent
It was a rather nice present.
It was rather a nice present.
No, I didn’t fail the exam, in fact I did rather well.
I’m afraid I owe her rather a lot of money.
He spoke rather too quickly for me to understand.
It’s rather a pity that you can’t come tomorrow.
I was rather hoping that you’d be free on Friday.
نوعاً ما،إلى حدّ ما
or rather a way of correcting sth you have said, or making it more exact
She lives in London, or rather she lives in a suburb of London.
rather than in the place of; instead of
I think I’ll just have a sandwich rather than a full meal.
بدلا من
would rather… (than) would prefer to
‘How old are you?’ ‘I’d rather not say.’
I would rather go to the cinema than watch television.
Concentrate :verb
1 concentrate (sth) (on sth/doing sth) to give all your attention or effort to sth
How can you concentrate on your work with so much noise going on?
It is important to concentrate on the road when you are driving.
I tried to concentrate my thoughts on the problem.
يركز على
2 to come together or to bring people or things together in one place
The general concentrated most of his tanks on the border.
يحشِد، يركِّز
a job or type of work that you are given to do
Kate is on an assignment for the BBC.
to give pupils an assignment to do during the holidays
معيّنة مُهِمّة;وظيفة
جبتلكم اليوم يا شباب امتحان writing للصف السادس الابتدائي
من منطقة ابوظبي ……………..تحياتي : محمد احمد
قريبا انشاء الله سلسة امتحانات انجليزية كاملة
يتبع في المرفق , بالاضافة لكلمات الوحدة
Can you…………………….my problem?
Look at the necklace, it has four…………………….
We always have……………………….as a snack.
The shirt was……………………red.
Our…………………..has 10 offices
Grade 6 unit 9 meaning معاني كلمات الوحدة التاسعة
فآلمُرفقآت , وفقكُم آلله ,,
Name —————– grade 6—
Complete thesentences .
A—————–keepsorder in cities.
A—————–cutspeople’s hair.
A—————–makesfood in a restaurant.
A—————–fliesairplanes .
A—————–typesand works in an office.
A—————–worksin a hospital.
وهذا للي يبا في المرفق
grade 6 Unit 9 Worksheets أوراق عمل الوحدة السابعة , الصف السادس الابتدائي
فآلمُرفقآت , وفقكُم آلله ,,