الصف التاسع

Report about safety at home -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

Report about safety at home

في المرفق..بشكل مرتب

[Ministry of Education
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Area of Cape RAK Education


The Evolution experienced by the world resulted in a lot of threats to human security. And domestic accidents and resulting deaths and injuries and material losses painful thing. It is truly regrettable that the studies and research indicate that more accidents in the home because of ignorance of rights.
.And can not be for a person to do without electricity and gas because it is associated with much of the means by which facilitated our life , which is the blessing given by God to us if we have a good use and in the corresponding risk what bothers life. Became necessary for us to know the danger and its causes and how to deal with him. And I will focus
# On the following points :
* Domestic accidents and methods of prevention.
* How to deal with accidents in the home if it happened.
* Procedures and the required safety in the home.

Accidents in the home
Of the leading causes of accidents in the home

First : gas

Negligence or tampering with gas cylinders results in a lot of risks that may harm family members, and for the prevention of incidents of gas, we must:
• Choose the right place and preferably away from the cooking sites and well-ventilated area.
• Ensure that construction and safety and not exposed to heat and weather factors to cause damage and replace the damaged ones immediately.
• Check stoves and furnaces and make sure they are clean.
• It is better to install a detector for a gas leak.

Second: The accidents of fire

When a fire to allow God must follow the following steps: –
• Immediately inform the existing fire incident with the speed of the evacuation of the place through the emergency exits safe.
• separate power supply at source
• Contact the Civil Defense at (998).
• Fire-fighting means in the initial fire such as fire

procedures and required safety at home :

• provide appropriate fire extinguisher
• Install smoke detectors in the home
• Provide first aid kit
• training on how to deal with incidents when they occur
• the need to define the family phone of Civil Defense (998) to contact in case of any emergency

I’ll put some guidance for the provision of safety at home

Beyond the reach of children hot pots
Beware of leaving children alone in the kitchen
Must be sharp kitchen utensils out of reach of children

Living Room:
Must close all sockets plugs, plastic
Electrical appliances should be removed from the reach of children
Electrical connections should be removed from the hands of children

Must be put detergent shampoo and soap and powder and sharp tools in high-rack is difficult to access.
Should not leave the child alone in the bathroom so it does not harm himself.
Medicines should be kept away and put it in a high rack.


Should not allow the child to go out alone to the terrace and you should not put any piece of furniture (a chair or table) next to the edge of the terrace
Barriers should be placed to protect any internal stairs or on the terrace

In conclusion, I wish to take the parents in the home safety in mind because it is the reason for most of the accidents that are preventable, so we must take care always.


Done by :
Under the supervision of a teacher article : …..


نفع الله بها العباد..

الملفات المرفقة

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

كيف حالكم إن شاء الله بخير

بغيت منكم طلب ضروووري أرجوكم ساعدوني

بغيت تقرير عن صحارى ديزرت

أرجوكم ساعدوني هاي أبلتنا متوحشة بغيته بأسرع وقت

والله يعطيكم العافية


لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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الســــــــــــــــلام عليكم
شحالكم عساكـــــــــم بخير ان شاء الله !!

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ومعلمتنا الانجليزي طلبت منا بور بوينت عن الليرننق في الفيوجر

((the future of learning))

الصراحه انا تعبت وزهقت وانا بحث بس ماحصلت فقلت يمكن انتو تساعدونيواتمنى انكم تفيدوني

تراني جديدة في هالمدونة

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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يوم الاحد اخر يوم ولازم اسلم التقرير


عازفة الصمت

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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السلام عليكم

ممكن تساعدوني؟
ابغي تقرير من 3 إلى 4 صفحات عن ( الحضارة المصرية القديمة, او اي حضارة ثانية ) .
مع تقديم بوروبينت .!!

ساعدوني بليييييييز ..
لمـَدة 3 ايام فقط !!

شكرآ لكم

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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Gd Luck Thoo :3

الملفات المرفقة

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

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Ineed your help

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الحادي عشر

Safety , English report about Safety -تعليم الامارات

السلام عليكم و رحمه الله وبركاته ..

صبحكم / مساكم ربي بالخيير ..

حبيت احط لكم تقريري لهذا الفصل بعنــوان ( Safety )~

اتمنى انكم تستيفيدوون منه ..

متمنيه لكم دوام التوفيق و التميــز .. !

*) Introduction ..!
In this report I`m going to talk about ( Safety ) .
First , I will talk about the safety . Second , I will talk about the Meanings of safety . After that , you will know about the limitation of safety . finally, you are going to know the types of safety . .

|* Safety :

Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses. It can include protection of people or of possessions.

|* Meanings of safety:

There also are two slightly different meanings of safety, for example, home safety may indicate a building’s ability to protect against external harm events (like weather, home invasion, etc), and the second that its internal installations (like appliances, stairs, etc) are safe (not dangerous or harmful) for its habitants.

Limitations : *|

Safety can be limited in relation to some guarantee or a standard of insurance to the quality and unharmful function of an object or organization. It is used in order to ensure that the object or organization will do only what it is meant to do.
It’s important to realize that safety is relative. Eliminating all risk, if even possible, would be extremely difficult and very expensive. A safe situation is one where risks of injury or property damage are low and manageable.

|* Types of safety :

It is important to distinguish between products that meet standards, that are safe, and those that merely feel safe. The highway safety community uses these terms:
Normative safety :
Normative safety is a term used to describe products or designs that meet applicable design standards.
Substantive safety:
Substantive safety means that the real-world safety history is favorable, whether or not standards are met.
Perceived safety :
Perceived safety refers to the level of comfort of users. For example, traffic signals are perceived as safe, yet under some circumstances, they can increase traffic crashes at an intersection. Traffic roundabouts have a generally favorable safety record, yet often make drivers nervous.

*) conclusion..!

At the end of this report . I hope that you can be safe with the correct ways . I hope you have got some new information about the safety & Thank you for reading. I’m waiting for your opinion and good luck ..

*) References ..!

1- English book for 11th grade.
2-Wikebidia site .
3- Some general knowledge .

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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الملفات المرفقة

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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.~ صنع يدي~.

تجدونه في المرفقات

الملفات المرفقة

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده