الصف الحادي عشر

Introduction -للتعليم الاماراتي

Sociology as defined by Auguste Comte is a specialist in the study of community affairs, science and there is the definition of another, namely the scientific study of the relationships that exist between people, and the consequent these relations from the effects of meaning that he is interested in studying the community in its manifestations and systems and the environment and relations between its members is not limited to the stage Description but works for the analysis and interpretation of the reach of laws that govern society ..
Addresses the science of meeting several social issues such as drugs, which I will talk about in the setting of this report ..
Drug topic of past, present and future, where up past the dawn of human social life and present ample to cover the whole world the future Vibaadeh renewable and not specific, since the mid-sixties almost emerged subject in the form of a difficult problem brook at the forefront of social and health problems at the global level and the crystallization of interest in the subject A number of Arab societies ranging from the mid-seventies. This research has been divided into several topics Fbdotha talking about the concept of the drugs and then the turmoil caused by narcotic substances in the human body and talked about the core of the main reasons that lead young people to this den and symptoms that affect the addict and the things that lose addict because of it, then talked about the emotional and mental effects of addiction and the effects economic addiction and finally the social effects of addiction.


• drug definition:
Is a substance that takes either by smell or mouth, leading to the anesthesia drug abusers and then his illness and eventually death. It is numbness in the User does not tolerate the movement of the influence of drink or drugs and numbness is apathy and laziness and Puzzlement, who is going on the mustache in the beginning of sugar, which chill the eye or weight and begins to influence him coolly in his limbs and Boggle in his actions and laze about doing its work and then not soon Taatari mind darkness misprision from knowing the facts, and when things as inhabit his soul and wither activity and lagging keep up with peers, but to keep pace with society as a whole.

• drug classification
Drugs can be divided and categorized in many different ways we choose, including the following: –
1) natural drug, the most important and the most prevalent: hashish, opium, coca and khat
2) drug manufacturers and the most important of morphine, heroin, codeine and Alsidol and Aldjokamven, cocaine and crack
3) synthetic drugs and the most important of hallucinogenic drugs and anabolic steroids and stimulants and sedative drugs

• Article these are the causes of abuse:
Of the leading causes of drug abuse:
The effect of Friends
The impact of family
The weakness of religious faith

• drug damage:
Drug much damage, including:
Social and moral damages.
Economic damages.
Health damage.
Overall health effects and serious implications for the addict Some of these drugs leads to humor and general weakness, such as hashish and some of them lead to bleeding in the brain and the decline in the personal, such as opium, while causing others to his companion sexually deficit and volatile in mood such as khat drug.
• Treatment:
There are three stages set by the World Health Organization for the treatment of:
Phase I: Early

Phase II: medium
Phase III: stability.
The drug theme or narcotic substances generally difficult and thorny where the research and opinions differ, but no one is different about the damage and losses caused by this phenomenon experienced by the whole world, which requires coming together of all global, regional and Arab efforts so you can address this serious problem facing the world communities subject despite the different intensity of society to another I hope that the idea of this search for this serious problem and possible to be defended any person to take an active role in this field in their respective locations and in the field of work may Allah be pleased about Omar bin al-Khattab he says:
"Three men: a man given the way things are Fasddha opinionated, and consult with a man confused him, and tell him to come down where the people of opinion and confused man Baúr not they are considered not to obey rational guide"

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