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لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن الكلاب بالأنجليزي للصف الثاني عشر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

شفته وترجمته ..


Dog pet known to mankind since time immemorial. Animals that differ greatly in size, shape and benefits. May not exists on this earth mammal, which differs in size, shape, color, and qualities, just as the dogs. And there are worldwide more than 400 strain, and this number increases day after day people continue to develop new strains, for use in exhibitions and competitions, sports and guard houses and acts of war, police and many other actions are difficult to count. And the dog more animals love and loyalty to man.

Biological classification

Member of the dog Canis familiaris, to the Division Chordata subphylum vertebrates range mammals carnivore canines, which includes fox and the wolf, jackal, but the genus and the type of dog.

About Us

Scientists is likely that dogs were domesticated long ago at least ten thousand years, and that was in the north of Iran and some researchers believe they descended from the Asian wolf, when the man kept the Stone Age, Qin wolves and reared me. Soon the passage of generations that grew up Astwnst their dogs, which resemble their predecessors in terms of power and physical structure, and teeth. While scholars assert Aliithologia (behavior) that the origins of the current dogs due to a kind of wild dogs, disappeared long ago from the surface of the globe.

The fossils found in Siberia indicate the presence of animals like dogs in the company of rights, since more than sixty thousand years. There are other indications of the existence of domesticated dogs in large areas, ranging from Scotland, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland to the Middle East at the time of the Neolithic period, which began nearly 9000 years BC. In Switzerland, emphasized the impact analysis, going back to 8000 years BC, that the types of dogs may differ in size and shape of what is currently known. Studies show that the acquisition of small dogs in homes are usually very old.

Dogs are different lengths and weights, sizes and shapes vary dramatically, depending on strains of more than 400 descendants spread all over the world. This number is increasing day after day, as devise new strains with different capabilities and talents.

The West has defined many of the breeds through the mating rated. Vahjnt hundreds of strains, each strain of their own capabilities and physical characteristics. Featuring some of the attributes of its own. For example, Zhao Alchao his tongue black, and Mexican bare no hair has only a small area at the top of his head. And cover the body Aharie coarse texture, but their young Vicu loose skin so it looks very wide for the dog’s body. While the Baznge, originating Africa, is the only dog who can not bark.

Dogs and the Pharaohs

Reflect the effects of the inscriptions on the Egyptian Pharaohs dogs attention and respect it. According to these charges to the presence of pure strains, such as the Whippet, which confirms the existence of strains of interest is not mixed or hybrid. The Pharaohs also used dogs to hunt antelope and other prey, as well as in custody but in the war. And dog is one of the oldest Pharaonic breeds of dogs in the world, has found that dogs on the quasi-walls of the tomb Pharaoh Ulad II, which dates back to 2300 BC. M. In the sixteenth century BC, the Phoenicians brought the dog Fronia to the island of Malta, has been settled until modern times.

The dogs Pharaonic smooth height of 53 to 70 cm, and weighs from 15 to 23 kg. Short flat fur shiny brown Thumper yellowing, or red Gan. It was her toes in white foot and white graphic on the chest, such as stars, and tip of its tail like a whip white color as well. And many of them have a white line above the middle of the face.

And browns color when agitated dogs Pharaonic, that is, her nose and ears Almentsptin change to dark pink color, note that the color of their eyes like the color of amber. Dogs have been known Pharaonic strongly senses of smell and sight-fishing, it moves at the speed and agility also Edtha strong.

Domestic dog

Dogs are used in many purposes, and the purpose of each group of breeds suitable for efficiency purpose to be achieved. There are guard dogs, which are characterized by loyalty, intelligence, vigilance and ability to ensure, and not eating any food or drink from strangers, regardless of the degree of starvation or thirst. It is also easy training, and has a loud voice to warn the owners to any outsider.

There are also breeds of dogs of war, which is characterized by atrophic body, and high speed, and the ability to jump and attack and knowledge of objectives, enemies and discrimination, and speed of performance without the voice call issued by the enemy to its existence.

The dog show, which involved in exhibitions, are characterized by small scale, and the beauty of composition, and paper and the accuracy of their bodies, and soft voices. This species is beauty, walk in Fteraha Dalal, and moving in the softness and lightness.

Dogs are considered, which leads the blind, of miracles, which are expensive, a descendant of Labrador, and aware of their duties after training for 3 months only. And know the roads and traffic signals and pedestrian crossing places and housing owners, but is defined shopping areas. The strangest thing is they know the numbers riding the bus owners, do not jump Fteraha only in the vehicle that the owner wants, and leave in the place to be fully blessed be God’s best creation.

There are domestic dogs, which accompany the family members and know their friends and their guests, as you know their enemies or strangers, are attacked. They also are trained to eliminate their need for outside the home.

The dogs, they have the ability of smell more than other dogs, and has a great ability to distinguish between smells, when they smell the impact of a person they can Taattbah several kilometers, and can detect the smell of drugs regardless of the accuracy of hiding. Shall be taken, including his head of these dogs as evidence in justice, the trial of smugglers or murderers and butchers.

The herding dogs of the most important factors helping to grazing sheep, in the country with vast pastures. They are guarding the sheep from predators and prey and thieves, as they gather in areas determined by the Sponsors during the day, and led to the outdoors at sunset or snow. And often find these dogs if the sheep places covered snow, is being saved before they spend.

One of the strangest kind of dog breeds Labrador, save the shipwrecked and help them to reach safety, which swim and float on the water, including its thick fur prevents them cold, and ready to perform its task well.

There are many stories about the heroism displayed by the dogs, some of them won awards and held by others Thalidam statues, some dogs burst into flames to save the young children, some of whom attacked the killing poisonous snakes, and were saved its owner from certain death.

In Western society, dogs are used sometimes in medicine are engaged thousands of dogs in experiments every year, that way the dogs helped scientists develop drugs useful, and methods of surgical, but some people think it is cruel to use dogs, like other animals, in laboratory experiments.

Are pure breeds of dogs in six main groups are:

1. Hounds (Alhaond) Hound

2. Terrier Terrier

3. Working dogs Working Dogs

4. Hunting dogs Gun Dogs

5. Utility dogs Utility Dogs

6. Show dogs or dogs dolls Toy Dogs

1. Alhaond Hound

Are hunting dogs for hunting small prey such as rabbits, foxes and Ahawadn are either working individually or in groups of horsemen.

This strain not only acquired for hunting and once trained to become tame is the owner during fishing. In her daily life, she prefers the company of dogs from the company of its kind on the poster. When out fishing, they recognize the prey Braianha or her voice can go a distance of 100 km per day. The most famous types Alhaond are:

A. Dachund Dachshund

Including 6 strains differ from each other in color and texture of hair. This breed originated in Germany and educated to hunt Zubzb Badger, allowing cylindrical body of the dog to enter the galleries Zubzb, and facilitate a strong claws digging process. It is still used in Germany for hunting. It should be noted that the word Dac Dachs in German means Badger Badger, and the word Hund Hund means dog.

The Aldachund standard-haired soft Standard Smooth Haired Dachshund, the oldest types of this strain. Domestic animals is a good guard dog is excellent. There are several colors of it except white. The most common colors are red, black and chocolate brown color, shine and is characterized by an extremely attractive, and weighs about 12 kg.

– Aldachund small soft-haired Miniature Smooth Haired Dachshund, similar to the base type, but it is small in size and weighs about 5 kg.

– Aldachund standard long-haired Standard Long Haired Dachshund, with a fine hair shiny Mtahedl on the body, long ears and bottom of the tail. And needs fur sweeps to remain a good-looking, given the length of the hair between the fingers, it needs to be durable and shaving only hindering the movement of the dog. It can be trained to swim and weighs about 12 kg.

– Aldachund small long-haired Miniature Long Haired Dachshund.

– Aldachund wire-haired coarse Wire Haired Dachshund breed originated in Germany in the eighteenth century, and there are different sizes usual or standard size and weighs 11.5 kg, and small and weighs about 5 kg. This strain is characterized by its members that the thick fur short coarse hair, thick eyebrows, and beard distinguish them from other breeds. It must be haircut twice a year.

B. Afghan Afghan

Is the most popular species, and is used in hunting deer and elk because of his great speed. Fur and beautiful making it one of the most beautiful dogs for exhibitions and beauty contests. And weighs about 30 kg, with a height of 75 cm.

C. Bigil Beagle

Alhaond strains common in Britain and the United States of America was known in Britain since the reign of Henry VII of dog hunting dogs hares. And furs of this type of dogs short and soft, and color of a mixture of all colors known. And weighing up to 14 kg, and height to 38 cm, which is a nervous mood.

2. Terrier Terriers

This name is derived from the Latin Terra, meaning earth. These dogs have been used principally to control mice and rats and foxes, as well as in some sports such as fishing, hunting bears, wild buffalo, and hunting foxes and rabbits. An intelligent dog Nabih motivated active and strong, but difficult training compared to other strains. Their young and needs a special method to deal, especially in the first months of life. The most famous types of the following:

A. West Highland White West Highland White

Of the best breeds of dogs Alterrier. The breed originated about 100 years ago, when some puppies born white in the progeny of another strain Terrier is Karen, and there was no welcome in this white race, some of them even get rid of him at birth, but soon formed an independent dynasty.

It is characterized by coarse hair type, which needs to be less favorable as the hair does not retain the least dirty, and ask, comb. It also features a thick tail and a long body with strong muscles and reach the height of the body to 28 cm and weighs 5 kg.

B. Stafford Shire Bull Staffordshire Bull

Strain is descended from another strain, was used in dog fighting competitions. Has defined this kind in the United States since 1870, but not recognized in Britain before 1930. Is violent with other dogs, but very smooth with the rights, especially children. The color varies from brown to black or blue or red or white, or a combination of any of these colors all with white. This dog is as high as 40 cm and weighs about 17 kg.

C. English English Bull Taurus

This strain originated from hybridization Alboldug Bulldog, with Alterrier, in the nineteenth century. The most common colors are white, or white with color on the head, or black.

There is no limit to the size or weight of this type, but usually weight up to 20 kg, and the type small it reached a height of 35 cm, and weighs less than 9 kg.

D. Aliirdel Airdale

Size larger breeds, called the "king of dogs Alterrier." The name indicates its affiliation with the area Iirdel, in the territory of Yorkshire. Have been trained on the old police work, and deer hunting, but now is used a good guard dog and his companion depends on it. It is characterized by coarse-haired dog, the color black, or dark gray. And up to 60 cm tall, and weighs to 22 kg.

E. Karen Cairn

This strain originated in the islands near Scotland, where it was used for hunting foxes and beavers. It is characterized by the kind of dogs Pferaih coarse, and there it white, the colors of many other. Height of up to 25 cm, and weighs 7 kg.

And. Dog Border Border

Called the name of the dog the border, because it descended from the English-Scottish border, where he was bred to hunt foxes from dens. It is not a fierce tempers, such as some other species, despite the natural ability to hunt and murder.

This dog fur and a short rough, needs to be less favorable, and the color red or gray, and weighing up to 7 kg.

G. Scottish Terrier Scottie
Like a Scottish Terrier dog the border in its inception, the Scottish English border, and was used for hundreds of years in the sport. A fierce dog with other dogs of the same type. The most common color is black, or gray, or planned beur. The height of this dog up to 25 cm, and weighs 10 kg.

3. Working dogs Working Dogs

Is a group comprising strains famous in the world of dogs, vary in size, weight and mood. Including what is good for grazing or for the purposes of custody.

As a general rule, the herding dogs are easy training for intelligence, but they do not obey only the person who is only making it difficult to transfer ownership of or accustomed to a different flock. The guard dogs Fbtiip education, but is becoming fiercer by the increased growth. It is often large and need to yards wide, and fit her small house. And types of working dogs are

A. German herding dog (Alsatian) German Shepherd

This type originated in Germany since about 100 years, and descended from herding dogs. And is used widely as a dog police, and therefore called by some the title of the German police dog. It also uses a companion to guide the blind. A highly intelligent dog, but does not accept ill-treatment has a full head of hair is short, like a wolf in form and way of walking and multi-colors (except white). Mentsbtan with ears, snout and long and high, and up to 65 cm tall, and weighs to 38 kg.

B. Belgian herding dog Belgian Shepherd

General name for four types of dogs: the Gronendael Ikenues and Malenois and Terverin. A medium sized dogs, a consistent format, raised primarily for the protection of sheep, but is commonly used now in custody Assembly. The height of the dog from the 55 65 cm tall at the shoulder and weighs about 28 kg.

Jeronendael known in America on behalf of the Belgian herding dog, with long hair heavy, black and feel soft. Alterverin differs from the color of his hair Jeronendael only, which can be red or brown or gray, with shades of black and black face. The Almalenois, also known as the Melanesian herding dog, is like herding dogs, German small. This kind of dog is the only Belgian herding dogs with short hair, and have a color, usually a mixture of gray and brown, with shades of black and black face.

Allikenwis and a dog with a dry coarse hair-like wire in texture, but not curly;, color mix of brown reddish gray, with shades of black, especially on the face and tail. The rare species outside of Belgium.

C. Cooley Rough Collei

Of the famous Scottish working dogs, one of the strains currently circulating. It is also used a dog guide, which is of the form of a beautiful long hair, the color black or tri-colored, all mixed with white. Height of up to 60 centimeters, and weighs to 30 kg.

D. Doberman Dobermann

Created this kind of dogs in Germany, a dog is ideal for military and police work, short hair, and black or yellowish brown. Up to 70 cm high and weighing almost 37 kg.

E. Boxer Boxer

Grew up in Germany for more than 100 years, then moved to England at the beginning of this century, but did not become known until after World War II, when used in the work of the police in Germany have short hair shiny, colorful Light Brown with some white markings and black mask. And up to 60 cm tall, and weighs to 30 kg.

And. Dog grazing Intlndy Shetland Sheepdog
This dog is a smaller version of a dog Cooley, one of the Shetland Islands, which derives its name from them. Pferaih characterized by long and dark black color, and may be three colors, and is rarely black and brown or black and white. A dog with good temperament, good-ten, and is a good dog home, and reached a height of 35 cm, and weight to 9 kg.

G. Rotefilr Rottweiler
Brought hunting dogs (dogs Aldrakp)
Gum Dogs – Retrievers

The hunting dogs brought months groups at all. Which dogs are trained to bring the fishermen fall ill from wild birds and water birds. An upscale dog foul, swim, and is characterized by strong sense of smell, and obedience to the hunter, and speed training and ease of learning, and not fear of gunfire.

There are several species of this type the most important (Labrador Labrador, The Golden Dog Golden), and dogs Spainl Spaniels, Cocker and Springer and Cocker & Springer, and dogs Spitzer English, Irish, English & Irish Setters.

Has some of these breeds have become extinct, or on the verge of extinction, as a result of the disappearance of the sport.

A. Labrador Labrador
Hounds of the famous but now has other functions, such as business crime and drug discovery and lead the blind. This type of dogs, short hair shiny wet-resistant, and can resist the cold and rain efficiently. The most common colors are black or yellow, although there are other colors like the color of chocolate. The height of 56 cm, and weight ranging between 2734 kg.

B. Golden Dog (Golden Rtrevr) Golden Retriever

Uses this type of dogs also in the leadership of the blind, which is quiet by nature a sensitive foul excellent. It is believed that this strain have arisen as a result of hybridization number of strains, and Alispaniel Alcetr Irish. It covers his body long hair crispy, golden brown or cream color, and rising up the body to 60 cm, and weight ranging between 30 32 kilograms.

C. Coker Spanish Cocker Spaniel

Is one of the most popular types of Alispaniel, as that of the smallest breeds of dogs bring fishing. It is also a good house dog, is quite popular with its multiple colors, such as Black Gold, red, blue, dark brown patches of local gray and white. Fur and silky texture, and needs to be careful, and that you need to clean the ears permanently. And up to 40 cm tall, and weighs about 14 kg.

D. Springer Spaniel (Springer) Spanish Springer Spaniel

More dogs Alecoqr Spanish, and know his skill to bring high-fishing. Due to the history of this strain is nearly 180 years. Height of up to 50 cm, and weighs about 23 kg; and light brown with white, or black with white, or tricolor.

E. Seter English English Setter

This dates back to 200 years, and currently maintained by the display or for companionship than for work. Fur and a long few spikes, and is white with black spots, and may be in the color of lemon and dotted in brown, in color or black or white or sepia. Height of up to 68 cm, and weighing up to 30 kg.

And. Irish Setter Irish Seter

Seter also called the Red Red Setter, and to the richness of mahogany color, which may be decorated with a white star on the chest. Is no longer used to bring fishing. And a height of 70 cm, and weighing up to 32 kg.

5. Utility dogs Utility Dogs

Is a group of dogs with multiple uses, including many strains, including:

A. Alboudl Poodle

Is the most popular breeds of dogs benefit, and his name is derived from the German word Puddeln, meaning "to play and back splash in the water," so that this strain were intended to bring the fishing which is located in the water. It has the rough fur of a dog multiple colors, such as brown, black, white, and silver, blue and peach.

The strain appeared small volume for the first time in the year 1895, and no more than a height of 38 cm. And the latest strains of this type originated in the fifties of this century, and no more than a height of 28 cm.

Thick hair and it does not sheds, which does not vary by class, but it needs to be combed regularly to maintain appearance. Dogs and the supply of this type shave her hair in the form of lion’s mane of hair. The shaving such place in the past mainly to protect the dog from the cold water, which may be exposed to during his movement ever.

B. Lhasa Apso Lhasa Apso

Also called dog Tibet Tibetan Apso, a good dog control, has long coarse fur; of color often either a golden-colored honey. A small dog-sized, no more than 28 cm height.

C. Shih Tzu Chi Tzu

This strain originated in the Far East, and was closely related to a dog of Tibet. Have reached this strain to Europe in the thirties of this century, but did not gain popularity only in the fifties. This dog is characterized by Pferaih thick, coarse, long hair, which is descending on the eyes and makes the dog appear larger than its real size, while it is small weighing about 7 kg.

D. Chow Chow Chow Chow

This strain originated mainly in China, where they raised for their fur and meat. Also used for hunting and guard dragging skis on the ice. Characterized by thick fur is usually red, and may be black or blue, and the hallmark of this dog is a black tongue. And the least height of the dogs of this strain 45 cm, and weighs about 28 kg.

6. Toy dogs Toy Dogs

As can be seen from its name, the dogs of this small group, which includes a set of marquee names such as Yorkshire Terrier, knight of King Charles of Spain, and Chi Hua Hua, bikini and others.

These strains suitable for owners of modern life, leisure, and small spaces and modern apartment, as well as villas with extensive gardens. Most members of this group can adapt easily, on the lack of movement in the limited space.

A. Yorkshire Terrier Yorkshire Terrier

Keep these dogs in the mines of the territory of Yorkshire for more than 50 years to catch mice, and was greater than it is now, and her hair is shorter, and weigh about 3 kg. When used in the show and beauty contests should be up her hair to the ground, which requires intensive care and sweep Alttmir daily. Following the end of the hair cutting competitions to become easier to control it.

B. Spanish knight of King Charles Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

One of the largest toy dogs, and was beloved of King Charles II of England named after him. A dog with a likable tempers calm. It may be the color black or brown or dark red, or three-color; hair and long silky texture. And weighing up to about 8 kg. There are also white in color which is brown patches have hybridization Duke and Duchess of Marlaud in Blenheim Palace, where he was the name of this palace on the new color for this dog.

C. Chi Hua Hua Chi Hua Hua

This dog originated in Mexico, has been included on two different lineage: the soft-haired, a genuine long hair, and two strains can be born in a carry one. This dog and weighs about 2 kg, with multiple colors.

D. Bikini Pekinese

This type of dogs in the offices of an ancient Chinese emperors and taken to England in 1860, which gave to Queen Victoria. These dogs are characterized by long thick hair take any color, and weight up to 5.5 kg. It is famous for her love for dogs to demonstrate.

E. Albomirenyan Pomeranians

The strain of origin of these dogs is greater than the current strain, weighing up to 14 kg, but the hybrids with smaller individuals led to the emergence of individuals and weighs less than 5.3 kg, which prevailed until now. There are of this strain twelve different colors, but the most common orange or black Alvahm
Grew up in Germany and used primarily for grazing livestock and guard against predators. It is now used sniffer dogs to guard. It is easy training. Fur is often white, black markings distinct. The altitude of up to 70 cm, and is one of the breeds heavy weight, has been stalled weight of about 40 50 kg on average.




لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

الصف الثاني عشر

تقرير عن القطط بالأنجليزي الصف الثاني عشر

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

حصلت بالعربي وترجمته ..

The cat is an animal of mammals, belongs to the family cat, has been domesticated by humans since about 7000 years.
Believed that the origin of wild cats (cats ancestors) originated in the desert climate, and shows that the tendency of cats to the heat and sun exposure, often sleeping in places exposed to sunlight during the day. There are dozens of breeds of cats, some colorless fur and tail, some of the other stateless as a result of a deformity.
Cats have great skill in hunting and predation nearly as big cats Kalnmr, but they do not constitute a real risk to humans due to their small size

Types of cats
*- Sand Cat
*- Wild cat
*- Never bush
*- Black cat foot
*- Chinese desert cat
Cat weighs between 4 and 7 kg, and rarely up to 10 kg. Possible for a cat to reach for 23 kg and occurs when feed is a plus. Should not do it, because he was not healthy and cause damage to the animal.
Cats a great ability to see in the dark, and the cat cover third of the eye, if the cat showed this cover chronic, this means that the cat is sick.
Like the cat hygiene, and is often lick their fur to clean it up and make vitamin C
As you like cats hunt mice

Cat pet likable for some people. Cats intelligent animals in nature, self-reliant, which is fond of play and entertainment, many of which are characterized by friendship and sincerity of some people of all ages.
The word cat to the family of carnivores, including tigers, lions, leopards and other cats, including this new breed domestic cats also held by some people pampered pets. Common household pet cats with wild cats in many of the characteristics and attributes of objects as it long and strong capital round to some extent short-strong lifting carrying 30 are not sharp. Featuring family cat with great skill in hunting prey of other animals, and it approached the prey quietly on a padded foot, or wait until closer to the prey Vtnqd suddenly.
Of household pet cats many capacities, including special physical ability to sight in dim light better than human, as well as climbing trees, and running at high speed and jumping long distances. Cats sense of balance and superior as they can walk easily on the wall high on the edge of a narrow or high. When cats fall, they descend on their feet, lightly padded.
Different cats in her attitude and some physical characteristics such as the length and color of fur. There are a large number of cat breeds each has some characteristics. One of the favorite breeds Siamese and Burmese and Persian.
No one knows exactly when cats Astwnst for the first time. Some historians believe it Astwnst since about 5000 years old. Throughout history, some people acquired the cats to their large hunting mice, rats and snakes. Thus, the cats were maintained on farms, homes and work ********s that are free of these pests.

Cat breeds
The cats Mistoldo Bastelad many breeds with different colors mesh selectivity between animals that have the qualities and characteristics required. These properties show a continuous basis between cats clean. And pure breeds are produced from the father, mother of the dynasty itself. Called generations of cats resulting from random mating strains of the mixed or hybrid, or hybrid, and use this terminology when they are mating between different strains.

Short-hair breeds:
There are ten known breeds are: 1 – al-Habashi 2 – British Short Hair 3 – Burmese 4 – 5 short-haired intruder – Havana brown 6 – 7 and Stars – colorless sin 8 – King 9 – 10 Russian Blue – Siamese.

Breeds of long hair:
Discrimination was fourteen strain known in the world. They are: 1 – never 2 Ankara – Albalini 3 – Albierman 4 – 5 Jewel – Alcinchilp biting 6 – 7 Himalayas – Nigger original 8 – 9 Norwegian forest cat – Persian 10 – 11 smoke – Somalia 12 – 13 wavy brown – never shield turtle 14 – white.

Hybrid cats with fur multi-colors and shapes, do not represent a particular breed. And form a beautiful and pleasant to look it is often a sharp intelligence and love pets. Held for the cats from certain factions – especially the hybrid cats – in the west, a lot of exhibitions and give prizes and cups, and medals.

And the number of cats, hybrid cats more than the original in the world. And some of the hybrid cats catch mice and rats in the farms and homes. In most countries of thousands of cats
Hybrid stray and unwanted. And animal welfare groups are trying to find homes for these cats stray after sterilization and removal of genitals.

Pet cats

The ancient Egyptians were the first to break the cat and used them in their homes after they noticed his talent for outstanding fishing. And today there are several varieties of domestic cats that participate rights in his home. The most famous of these races are:

European cat:
Is the most prevalent species. In which multiple types with various properties, Kher Nimri, cat with white chest, Ping triangle colors.

Siamese cat:
Tellandi is out, the children of his mouth and limbs brown as well. And his eyes are blue. Weber is a short, and tends to form slim.

Abyssinian cat:
Is in the view of some experts from the strain of the cat which is guarded by the ancient Egyptians and the advantage of prolonged ears, and eyes Almailten, and his righteousness, and tends to soft brown.

Persian cat:
Is the most famous Nmadj cats that breed long term, also called the cat Alaenkeri.

Wild cats:
A large number of wild animals that displays the original ones, the savage cats are still prevalent today in large numbers and there are more than twenty species distributed on the continents, and except for North America and Australia

(Mating cats)

Cat foreign infrastructure short hair voracious self Alkestnaiip (Chestnut): is the result of breeding repeatedly shot Semitic Lilac This program is the result of several types of Lilac color with the characteristics of Siamese cat and Lilac foreign short hair that looks like here is one of a kind 12)) are known, and this cat purple Fine with green eyes as a result of mating with Lilac Siamese cat Havana and got a clear recognition of the same time as the foreign white cat in 1977.

Cats foreign short hair elastic and oriental scene with a solid head shape and large ears and eyes Mudbbtan almond Krzian. There are 12 basic configuration includes the black cat with dark green eyes.

Foreign white cat with short hair are not subject to the requirement, which is different from cats, American and British short hair.

East of cats with short hair’s color, in contrast to the colorful and exotic category, which we call Balsyamip there is a remarkable variety of cats, gray and brown and yellow two-tone body with all kind of fashionable slim-east. There are new types Zlalip color and planned, as in this gray cat Almrguenp. One of the significant benefits of a cat with short hair you do not need worry about to keep it combed and make the cat with short hair the same clean, self-In the case of good not like the strain of long hair that requires daily attention and, if possible roaming outside the home will not return without a doubt but Baltekc and remnants of the garden. It was no surprise that the short hair more practical because it is more common among domestic and wild cats.

Scalp soft and short, sleek exterior, east snapshot foreign short hair with a wonderful view of the color distinctive and unusual structure such as this cat Dilute yellow and blue are sometimes called CAT – Alkremiah her scalp Remo blue and mottled with shades of

Cat Korat silk of the scalp are rare even in her native Thailand. Provides here a pair of these cats to birds as a symbol of the Thai good luck. Her name is known arises from the territory of Thailand, where developed there the first time, imported by America from Thailand in 1959 was not officially recognized until 1965 and not for her recipes Alnhv and length of the type of the eastern model, but is semi-cobby with the structure of muscle strong and tail and legs of medium length and regardless of the color of the face is the most distinctive shape of the heart is unusually short nose and large ears and big eyes Mdortan Mdortan two green matte. Korat cats and small breed yellow amber eyes that do not turn to green until the age of two. Korat Cat and the amount of fur has always been colored by blue, silver strain

Cat Havana short hair comes in a rich chestnut brown with green eyes, almond-shaped and Krzip. Is the result of a deliberate attempt in the fifties of the birth of a cat with a graceful form of the Siamese cat, but one color. After all if you are interested in the presentation of this Cat smart and attractive, the judges preferred the Americans see the body is full of short little closer to the Cob type and must be fur shiny auburn Odhu very rich like the color of a cigar. This cat requires a lot of attention, although it will be warm to the owner.

Singapura cat small but fat, do not see much in the West with it a beautiful thing and a few with almond-shaped eyes Krzip big green or gold, as well as silky soft fur and short, and as a pet and it has a quiet nature of the attractive and enjoys the company of humans. In spite of the shape sensitivity and attractive ivory fur with brown annex, it is in her native Singapore allowed by running, in the wild and is known as a snapshot of exchange / Drian cat / due to its tendency to resort to the sewage system. Lifestyle described deprived because of her diminutive height small, with the commensurate well with the rounded head and short nose and large eyes and claws small oval. There are varieties of different colors in Singapore do not see so far in America as a combination of beige (Bronze) Remo is the most Tanasla. Singapura cat and is not currently known in England Exhibition

Cat Russian Blue breed shy and rarely roam outside the home, and make a good choice if you want to snapshot a beautiful landscape and the love of home and the outside of the ordinary, this is not like other strains or cats is not normal, and do not require the cat Russian Blue a great deal of interest or passion. Archangel cat knew the past, blue, probably related to a portion of the Archangel in northern Russia, where I grew up, and also invited the cat Maltese, a blank copy of the Russian cat produced in the United Kingdom, but not very well known to do that is rare these days

Although it is an elegant oriental cat Ethiopian / Abyssinian / scalp with thick and short is not of great precision, such as the Siamese cat. After all it is one of the most beautiful breeds, distinct smartness and her body, as well as plastic soft Vruha wonderful. This combination copper Almrguenp chocolate are the Sorrel sometimes called Qrvi or Seda-ye.

Although the cat Ethiopian (Abyssinian) standard with a rich golden color Mrguen black, the other colors there Zlalip include Chocolate, Lilac, Tortia, Red,, Silver Sorrel, Cream pictured here. This new cat is not fully known by all societies, like all cats Ethiopian her mood is excellent and can be very friendly towards the owner. The cats with short hair is easy combing quickly.

Odhu long hair (Longhair)
The origin of this strain is Angora (Alankora) from the city of Ankara .. Famous goat-haired and very soft, so-called (mohair)
Turk continued Angora (Tturkish Angora)
All breeds of Angora Iran .. Which started in the extinction and replaced by the Iranian strain of long hair

Here’s a solution is to ask whether or Ankora Shirazi M فارسى
Vymsabqat cats and Britain has not recognized Palanjura Turkish
How is no difference between Turkish and Iranian angora (Shirazi or knight)
Turkish Angora cat is characterized by a dense Graduate Kalpdp are embroidered around the neck, chest and lower part Khvevvy
Therefore, the survey Angora brushing much easier

Head of a medium-sized ears are large, soft and beautiful neck and a heavy fur around the neck and hide in the bottom half
Long tail cat-driven luxury to the highest almost touching his head .. Eyes in the form of a blue goose or orange or yellow

Foul good behavior and friendly and gives the appearance of intelligent silence of the Sphinx


Cat Iranian (Persian) Shirazi

Facility in Europe and comes from Angora that no modern descendants
Thick fur coat flexible drop-down on the body more intense Andang, shoulders and legs Fraiip
Have different colors and is a white cat blue eyes never Salon Classic luxury most can not hear and there, White
Eye orange, the most important characteristic Shirazi short legs and a round head and eyes full rotation extensive
And began to jam cats Shirazi divided into three categories
Moon or states Vis Vis

We note the nose small and round eyes and hair heavy

Allbecky Allbeckn Vis or Vis
Notes nose Kalzrar The more eyes nose in the integrity of the type is not an authentic Oud

[/ Img]

Is called the Himalayan
The mating Honteg Sherzai Siamese, but after several generations
So that any attempt to marry Sherzai Siamese types produce very ugly
Shirazi boom
Any rare, but if married Himalaya Himalaya Himalaya Anajabua

And the Himalayas is either moon or Bheki Vis Vis .. Himalaya Orange color .. Parts of a dark orange Karimi ..
Nose, ears, feet and tail edge color darker in color similar to Balseamy

Himalaya Chocolate which parts dark chocolate color and the rest of the body Light Brown .. The Himalayan species and the most expensive Blu Onderha
And also

Himalaya Bheki

Hema LAIA Moon

The Himalayan blue of the most expensive species and Onderha
Himalaya blue cat picture I had and, unfortunately, does not show the image the wonderful blue-gray color

May be mated with the Allbecky Mon thereby creating the half Bheki is never a nice shape also combines the two forms

Siamese cat (siamese)
Asian origins .. Donated by the King of Siam to Mr. Owen Gould the English Consul 1880
Appeared officially in Crystal Palace in London and been a great success .. Then came to America 1890
It was not like this but this was chunky and round her head a bit .. and then enter his education specialists to give him
Immunity more .. Mating .. Vantage of this type were Siamese current ..

Hair (coat): Short Hair luxury Mtcol color wearing a mask, the ears, legs and feet and tail
And blue eyes .. Generates a small white light and then increase Gmqana .. Have four colors

Seals, which is currently circulating a color .. Blue color is dark gray and the body snowy white
Hekola coat and ivory color and shade of milk chocolate .. And color Allilki a rare snowy white
And dark gray and pink, as well as cushions and claw tip of the nose .. Ras Siamese should be a triangle full of both sides of the ear, nose and eyes, long-form tend to Ozatan point the nose and they are always blue
Short-tail sign of purity, but the widespread high-tail is long and sometimes by the node Vynhith
Sharp printing complex, sensitive and roses do not predict and fertile female partner and affection .. Hunter

The second type: cat Albalnezy (Balinese)
Established in 1950 and America was born of a mother kittens Siamese, but not her hair short, but the traditional
Long silky hair .. Silk long thick hair from the top and bottom of a short .. Have the same mask Siamese
Light body and muscles a good .. Graceful movements .. Hind legs longer than front .. His harmonic
Wedge-shaped nose and long, and eyes to Ozatan Mnhrvatan glaucoma and tail is long hair more than the view of Siamese
Foul: a loving intelligent courtier has the same voice tones Siamese .. Strain if he married the same type is given by
(Cats) Palinezip if married will be given by the Siamese Siamese.

Cat Rag States or (Raj States) Ragdoll

In America .. His coat of fur you, either long or heavy and medium
Tends to rotate the head and broad cheek .. The short nose .. Blue eyes tend to drift .. Strong tail fur Odhu good .. Foul thin

Turkish van cat (Turish Van Cat)
N types of Angora his coat thick and soft on top only .. White base color marks chestnut near the ears and tail darker rings .. Resembles the Turkish Angora .. That they have large ears hair and pink from the inside .. Eyes circular Cefrohtan .. tail is long and dense, is never a quiet house and called the cat because he is good at swimming pool

Norwegian Forest cat Norwegian Forest
Cats cold climate of Norway has a number of myths have thick fur protects him from the cold all the colors of his body full of his claws unusual able to climb trees and rocks .. Never a prudent and intelligent hunter Maher

Somali Somali cat
Starch in the U.S., Ethiopian cats but a long hair .. A thick coat of medium length and is similar to the dome may be Balhabcy Ruby (Titian Brws black or red Brws sons
Petite rectangular body back curved like a round about Alagafzros main types and ears .. striking bright green eyes, or double gold in the form of the amygdala .. Tail strong thick hair .. Fisherman mice and small animals can not be trusted on the birds .. Loves meat and entrails

Elhabashy cat Abyssinian Cat

Note that Google specialists cats found in Egyptian tombs is very similar to cats Abyssinia .. This confirms that the cat Elhabashy slope of Egyptian cats .. Which is similar to the Pharaonic gods _ (Bassett)
Was brought to England .. Gosaiier hair coat and dense, such as rabbit .. Aallon deep red or dark red copper scheme and its properties
Each section of her hair at the root and Light Dark section at any party of any furs attractive bright spots to make the cat less than a level and unacceptable .. A long thin body and a black cushioned feet long tapering tail .. Described his eyes as the largest and most innocent may be green or yellow .. Grain printing very passionate about the game and did not care if the owner played the sad and possible escape

The fact that the Maine Cat Maine Coon
A mix between the U.S. and Angora
A short coat on the head and then starts in length on the shoulders and then the whole body … Fur soft silk .. But it is less well-being of the Iranian coat … Like an animal .. Alrkon a large head and round What distinguished him most Mnakdtan ears and eyes and Mentsbtan Whitawitan large yellow or copper or green as the color of the cat .. Main fact that White has blue eyes .. The tail is medium height and heavy end of the lock of hair .. Never fawning intelligent hunter ..

American Shorthair American short-hair

Came with the immigrants from Europe to America .. Fur short Qoyallowanh black and white charcoal or smoke .. Blue Red Aelchenchila (poliomyelitis) reconfigured the head, the ears and mustache Mentsbtan Assean two big circular eyes and strong jaws and Mnhrvatan outward intelligent and friendly fisherman loves all family members

Cat Almanks (never Island man)
Never without a tail fur bright light like a rabbit hair coat has a bottom heavy
Hind legs are longer than The front walk Kagafzp rabbit
Long nose, the ears, eyes, round tables Aarbtanmstdertan color suitable for fur color .. Never intelligent teachable

Russian Blue
SNP Dangler ears (Scottish fold)
Short-haired heavy rare header round his body a short broad ears forward, eyes Mtaiwitan circular main types suitable for the tail coat color coordinated, soft, short and round party

Japanese Bobtail (The Japanese Bobtail)
From Japan .. There, he is a symbol of good luck .. a rare breed .. soft silk fur coat of a bottom head .. .. equilateral triangle ears and the main types Aagaftan .. Bractan Whitawitan Mailten eyes .. The tail is what distinguishes it from 10 to 12 cm, two or an annex rabbit never unique

Egyptian Mau (Egyptian Mau)
Fred .. likely returning to 1400 years BC
The Qamtamerp Mondo (Natalie Trosky) import Female Male Egypt with Egyptian and began to strain
Mao called in the Pharaonic mean never .. A cousin of the cat Elhabashy .. Fur thin silk shiny hair .. his average random patches of the body and tail .. with hoops .. Striking bright green eyes almond legs .. very long .. Round head and big ears .. the tail long and tapering .. intelligent hunter sounded like the bird almost

Short hair the East (Oriental Shorthair)
Balaznan characterized by two big and soft, short hair .. And from the colors and Gentlemen it mottled

Rex cat (Rex)
Appeared in Germany never a wrinkled coat .. Breeding and then seemed to strain the Corniche … Coat (fur) a bottom, and churning frizzy and silky
Mustaches and even wrinkled body Siamese … .. Curved back and legs straight, long time .. Cape triangle and long straight nose .. Large ears develop a broad .. Whitawitan eyes .. A long skinny tail at the tip covered with hair kinky

Sphinx (Sphynx)
Home of the birth never without hair 1966 in Canada .. Nashat and from the strain
Short hair too .. Slender body Short nose or eyes double gold Khaddrohtan .. Ear large main types .. Does not have a mustache … Tail is long and thin, a cat-loving people

Cat and how to choose

First: Be careful never to take an old Take a snapshot of two to five.
Secondly: If you are afraid of the cat hair loss is not a cat Tokhadd U.S. Take for example, types Okrycirzae
Third: if you do not have the patience and the ability of caffeine to clean the cat white cat, do not take color as they get dirty quickly Take bold colors such as gray or brown
Fourth: Take a healthy book (passport) of the doctor or the seller who sold you the cat if they were not the work of the book you have purchased from any veterinarian
Fifth: If not, the cat has taken to complete Qahath sure to give it
Sixth: Be careful when you buy a cat from a number of things
1 – the eyes must be open and do not have any problems (or be Ur eye tears
2 – Members sound no fractures or limp or stop members
3 – There is no swelling in an area of the cat’s body
4 – Make sure not to idle or lazy cat overload
5 – do not buy the cat in the afternoon, but Astraeh a time when the cat is fully awake with his
6 – Ask for the parents and make sure that the strain of the possible
7 – If you want to one day of your cat or your cat to give birth to you to make sure yourself what you want (give birth to female and male who likes to play is generally more than the female

Now for the equipment you will need:
First: you should choose the appropriate place in your home and parental consent of course
Second: you should choose a house or a fund for your cat either you do unto yourself or buy a lamb is ready and should preferably be from the plastic for easy cleaning and feel
Third: I buy a sufficient quantity of cotton to put in this house for a cat
Fourth: you buy a special cats nail scissors
V.: You purchase a quantity of sand or if you have another source
VI: Place dedicated to bringing the sand because the sand is placed cats into the droppings pit and direction … and then dump
VII: Comb or brush the hair of your cat or your cat fur, especially if long
Eighth: The special shampoo cats
Ninth: a piece of wood approximately 20 cm long to cool cat nails do not destroy the furniture at home is not as necessary, but if you want
X.: food must be diversity of cat food, preferably food to avoid calories and little fish frequently because it causes hair loss
Finally: You must use water to punish the individual cat

Other comments
1 – cats love to play
2 – cats like to sleep in the sun
3 – Listen to the advice of experimenters
4 – you’ll hear a lot of criticism because of the cat in the first period and quickly disappear
5 – take care of cats is not an easy thing, but fun at the same time
6 – at first do not buy more than ever to learn the basic principles of his education




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