الصف السابع

ورقة عمل وقصة , اللغة الانجليزية , السابع -مناهج الامارات

احــم احــم افضل أنــه بعــد قددوم الامتحــانات أن احط لكككم امتححان وارجووا الردوود ><
Unit 4
Vocabulary & Grammar

Choose the correct answer:
1- How ___________ get to work?
a) do b) you c) do you d) is you

2- How _________ does it take to reach the school?
a)far b) long c) tall d) big

3- How _____ is it to Abu Dhabi ?
a)long b) far c) tall d) big

4- Do you go home _____ bus , train or tram?
a)with b) by c) in d) on

5- _______takes ten minutes to reach the restaurant.
a)I b)we c) it d) its

6- A tram is __________ bus.
a)a kind b) a kind of c)kind of d) kind

7- The girl _________ win the prize.
a)wants b) to c)want to d)wants to

8- There are exactly ______ students in the college .
a)thousand b)a thousands c)a hundred

9- about ten________ of workers gave up their jobs.
a)hundred b) a hundred c)a thousand

10- Work starts at 7am and ______ at 2 pm .
a)ended b)ends c)ending d)end

Choose the correct answer:

11- Ali is a popular teacher , _____ works very hard.
a)he b)she c)it d)they

12- _________ you come from the UAE?
a)Do b)Are c) Is d)Am

13-__________ you from Spain?
a)Do b)Are c) Is d)Am

14- Can she __________ see the doctor ?
a) to see b)sees c)see d) saw

15- There ______ snow on the peak of the mountain.
a)are b)is c) am d) were

16- What ______________ this word mean?
a)does b) is c) do d) was

17- The Nile and the Amazon ______ famous rivers.
a) is b)are c) am d) was

18- If you need more money ,get a ______________ job.
a) Part time b) part-time c) time d) part

19- There is a ______________ in this old house.
a)room scary b)scary room c)room big d)room small

20- How _______ is the hospital? 2 km from here.
a)long b)small c) far d)short

2-Study this table :
In Town Of اسم البلدة
On Island Of اسم الجزيرة
On Coast Of اسم المدينة الساحل
Walk From—— To ——- يمشي من..الى. .

Ali lives _____ town of Grantville . ( in , on , at ).
She lives ______ of Island of Kiesh, ( in , on , at )
Sharjah is ______ the north coast. ( in , on , at )

في الأرقام الكبير نستخدم الفاصلة بعد كلمتي مليون و ألف ونستخدم كملة and بعد hundred وتوضع الهايفن (-) بعد الأرقام التي تنتهي ب ty مثل thirty انظر إلى المثال :
Two million , four hundred and fifty-six .

3- Choose the correct words :

1- Children usually ride their ___________ to the park.
a) bicycles b) cars c) trains
2- Only the captain can fly a ____________ .
a) tram b) bike c) car d) plane
3- The _________ is a bike that has an engine.
a) motorbike b) tram c) bike d) cycle
4- It is not easy to _______ a boat in a storm .
a) drive b) fly c) sail d) ride
5- A __________ is a kind of train.
a) bike b) hovercraft c) tram d) chapter

Choose the correct answer:

11- Ali is a popular teacher , _____ works very hard.
a)he b)she c)it d)they

12- _________ you come from the UAE?
a)Do b)Are c) Is d)Am

13-__________ you from Spain?
a)Do b)Are c) Is d)Am

14- Can she __________ see the doctor ?
a) to see b)sees c)see d) saw

15- There ______ snow on the peak of the mountain.
a)are b)is c) am d) were

16- What ______________ this word mean?
a)does b) is c) do d) was

17- The Nile and the Amazon ______ famous rivers.
a) is b)are c) am d) was

18- If you need more money ,get a ______________ job.
a) Part time b) part-time c) time d) part

19- There is a ______________ in this old house.
a)room scary b)scary room c)room big d)room small

20- How _______ is the hospital? 2 km from here.
a)long b)small c) far d)short

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