الصف العاشر

حل student book صفحة 9,10,11,12,13 للصف العاشر -تعليم اماراتي

page 9…..

1- as tall as
2- longer than
3- the tallest
4- as good as
5- more difficult than
6- more dangerous than

page 10……..

-Mt. Everst

page 11………

1- the nile: -2- It is in Egypt. -3- It is 6,671 km long.
2- Mt. Everest: -1- It is the highest mountain in the word. -2- It is in Asia. -3- It is 8,848 meters high.


c 1-
f 2-
e 3-
b 4-
a 5-
d 6-


(1) room

(yes or no)
1- yes 4- yes
2- yes 5- no
3- no 6- no


a -2
f -3
b -4
d -5
e -6

page 13……..

1- Topic….: Burj Dubai is the tallest building in the world.
2- Fact: Burj Dubil is in the UAE.
3- Fact: The Burj Dubil Tower is taller than thaipei 101.

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