الصف الخامس الابتدائي

أوراق عمل unit 9 الفصل الثالث.. للصف الخامس

United Arab Emirates Ai Ain Education Zone

Ministry of Education Al Azm Primary School

Name : ……………………………… Grade : 5 ( )No. ( )

A – ) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

1 – The citymouse ———————- the country mouse.

a – ate b – visited c – washed

2 – The country mouse ate ———————-and fruit.

a – meat b – fish c – cereal

3 – It was too ———————- in the country.

a – hot b – cold c – windy

4 – The country mouse slept in a nest of dry ———————-.

a – grass b – paper c – food

5 – The city mouse ——————– thecountry mouse to visit the city.

a – answered b -invited c – cut

6. They enteredthe city mouse’s house through a ——————- in the wall.

a – hole b – window c – door

7. They found———————— food on the dinning room table.

a – bad b – no c – delicious

8. Suddenly a——————— jumped on the table.

a – dog b – mouse c – cat

9. The countrymouse was very ————————.

a – happy b – scared c – angry

10. The countrymouse decided city life was just too ——————————.

a – calm b – safe c – dangerous

11. The countrymouse went back to the —————————-.

a – country b – city c – school

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