الصف العاشر

حل الـ work book من صـ 5 الى صـ 10 -تعليم اماراتي


الصفحة 5

2-as early as do
3-as well as does
4-as hard as does
5-as neatly as do
7-as loud as does
8-as beautifully as do

6)1نحذف مور(more)من الجملة
3- ali is as strong as saif

صــــــــ8 الجدول

العمود الاول
water fall

العمود الثالث

largest/widest(water fall in the world(
the lorgest river world
the deepest and oldest lake in the world
the highest mountain in africa
the largest is land in the usa

1-the dead sea is 402m below sea level
the dead sea is between palestine and jordan
2-the coldest place in the world is antaracteca
the lowest temperature in antaracteca
ice cover98% of antaracteca
3-the hottest plase in the uae is the empty quater
the daytime temperature in the empty quater,araibian peninsula
july is the hottest month in the empty

الصفحة 10

1-there are unusual plants there and bird
2-death vally, in californa, is the hottest place in the(u.s.a)at 86 m
3-the akashi kaikyo bridge, in japan, is the world
4 the akashi kaikyo bridge, in japan, is the tallest bridge in the world

The End ^^

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